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Assistance in and running of the underwriting process for all business streams
Cost effective underwriting process
Assistance in providing clients with the most appropriate cover available

Claims Handling

Efficient processing, vetting and handling of claims throughout the claims process
Enhanced engagement between Pinnacle and the broker to ensure the preservation of relationships
Reduced claims handling costs while improving the efficiency of claims processing


Timeous performance of policy renewals on behalf of the broker
Efficient renewal process that strives to ensure adequate coverage for policyholders
Price conscious renewals that aim to deliver the best value to all stakeholders

Why Choose Us?

How we think determines how we act. We believe in the ideals of working hard, accountability, diversity, teamwork, integrity and commitment to clients. Pinnacle strives to provide a service that is exceptional to policyholders and beneficial to insurers while providing value to all out stakeholders.

Our Clients

We believe that, above all, the client and their interests should be our focus. We therefore strive to provide our business partners and clients with the best possible service, which we believe will promote long-term relationships. We strive to build these relationships on the principals of honestly, transparency and integrity.

The Benefits of Pinnacle Administrators

– Access to in-depth industry experience
– Client centred ethos and environment
– Potential for substantial cost savings
– Improved operational efficiency
– Access to cutting-edge centralised management software
– Full commission earned by broker

Efficient Operations

We know that a major priority to any of our clients is the efficiency of the service we can deliver. We have therefore created an organisation and environment that is equipped, in terms of skills, people, systems and technology, to provide our services in the most efficient manner. We have achieved this through our wealth of experience and the implementation of cutting edge systems.


Pinnacle has partnered with the Insurance Sector Educational and Training Authority (INSETA) with the goal of increasing both the quantity and quality of essential and scarce skills within the insurance and financial services sector. We aim to help bridge the gaps between workers throughout the insurance sector.

An introduction…

Company Overview

As Pinnacle Administrators we offer innovative comprehensive short-term insurance product administration to the benefit of stakeholders, insurers, and brokers alike.

Pinnacle Administrators was created to provide the short-term broking industry with the opportunity to utilise an administrative service house and access the larger core insurance market, not otherwise available to them.

Pinnacle Administrators aims to become the recognised and preferred administrator to both the Brokers and Insurers, by creating an environment that is competitive for the policy holders yet sustainable for the Insurers and delivering a professional service to all parties involved.

More about us

About Us, Our Mission, History & BBBEE Status

Here is a more indepth idea of who we are and our values

Our Mission

Our mission statement is simple, and centered around our clients, and ensures quality service. 

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What we do

Pinnacle Administrators, offers full service short-term insurance administration for brokers of all sizes.

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BBBEE Status

Pinnacle Administrators is a proud BBBEE Level 1 Contributor, having 65% black ownership, and 30% black female ownership

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Associate Memberships

Pinnacle Administrators (Pty) Ltd is an Authorised Financial Service Provider

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About Us

Our Mission

To Always Remember:

Dedication & Respect

Our clients are our business, to be served with dedication and respect.


We are living in an ever changing world and it is essential for us to stay in touch and adapt.

What You Deserve

Only the best is what our clients deserve and we will deliver with passion, knowledge and commitment.


To serve with Honesty, Integrity and Professionalism. To retain our pride in what we do and how we do it.


Insurance Administration

At Pinnacle Administrators, we offer full service insurance administration specifically for short-term products.



This includes but is not limited to the handling of all major processes such as premium collections, claims submission and handling, policy renewals and underwriting.


Pinnacle offers brokers a means to provide better service to their clients by making use of our extensive infrastructure and experience to delivery more services more efficiently to their clients.

Pinnacle also works to ease the burden onerous administration places on insurers by managing normal administrative and operational processes. 

Our Tech 

We employ sophisticated technological infrastructure to ensure the security of client information as well as efficient and reliable operations. At Pinnacle we make use of Cardinal 360, proprietary cutting-edge software developed specifically for insurance administration by a leader in this software space. All our processes and systems are subject to stringent security requirements as well as being replicated to cloud environments to ensure maximum reliability, security and uptime.

Contact us

Tel: (010) 110 1119
Email: info@pinnacleadministrators.co.za

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Santoni House
7 Sinembe Crescent
Sinembe Business Park
La Lucia Ridge

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